Newborn photography: an angel look-alike!

It’s Christmas Eve. The late hours are a quiet reminder that Orange County, contrary to the portrayals in various television shows, remains a serene and civil place in which to reside. 5:00am rolls around and it’s Christmas morning. No snow, but there’s a flurry of excitement in the Nettleton household. Contractions are more powerful, intuition to head for the hospital is strong, and motherly instinct seems to guide every action. After an easy drive to the nearby hospital, Elspeth, the mother to be, rests relaxed, occasionally reminiscing fond memories and silly nothings with her own mother and sister. Twelve hours after the first movements, the new baby arrives into the world with simply a quiet cry. It’s a beautiful girl, a redhead, an “Angel look-alike”, muses the midwife.

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Family Photography: from Southern California to their new Texas Home

Jackie started-off by saying it was her husband that so loved our work that he asked his wife to hire us – but here was the catch: he wanted the new Orange County CA family portraits to look like Texas, the home they would be moving to this summer.

So, where can I find Texas in Orange County, California, you ask?

Thomas F. Riley Wilderness Park in Trabuco Canyon. With big, beautiful rolling hills of native grass that glow like a golden sea as the sun sets behind the western side does have the reminiscence of a Texas ranch. Gnarled trees dot the wide landscape, and provide the much needed canopy of shade in a dry creek-bed.


Family Portraits: Love beyond blood

Nirzhar and I have always loved The Strands, even before it became a name for it’s residential architecture, it’s “Funicular“, or the beautiful park and view up top. The Dana Point ‘point’ rises out of the sea on one side, the Ritz Carlton gazing down on beach goers at the other, with a long stretch of soft gleaming sand in between. We spent many summers here when our boys were younger. At a time when they needed to hold our hands to enter the chilly water, and when sand crabs swimming around a sand pail could entertain for hours. It had been a while since we had been there, so I was excited to hear during our initial conversation with the Bond family that it was a favorite place to go as a family.


Newborn Family Portraits: in home closeness

Late last year we had a beautiful family photoshoot at Salt Creek Beach with the Coelrubi family with their 18 month old son, and were so excited when they called a few months later with the wonderful news they were expecting! Being a mother of two boys, I knew the last thing a new mom would want to do is go out the house within the first couple of weeks, so we planned on bringing the studio to them when the time came.

Newborn Photoshoot at Home in Irvine

Their newborn daughter was just shy of 2 weeks when we arrived at their home. Grandma and Grandpa were there to help out with the 2 year old big brother, who was a little bashful of all the activity we brought in with us. Actually, I think the truth was that he was much more interested to see the workmen outside that had brought their big trucks and noisy machines! There’s no distracting a boy from his trucks.

Knowing that newborns have their own schedule, we had a very relaxed and laid back timetable. We started with little sister on her own first so that big brother could get used to us and what we were doing.

Having the two of us there for a newborn photoshoot is tremendously helpful as I was able to position her and keep her calm while Nirzhar took photos and video. This also allowed our new mother to have a little rest, spend time with her son and have something to eat while we were photographing her daughter.


Senior Photography: Victoria Beach

Stephanie is our third High School Senior Ambassador for 2014-2015! She’s currently a Senior at Aliso Niguel High School, and has a passion for fashion. With that in mind, we chose Victoria Beach, a favorite location for beach-themed fashion photoshoots.

When we first arrived late one warm, summer afternoon we were worried that it was going to be a big blank sky – which is not ideal for the wide photos we were hoping to take. However, as if on cue, as the sun began to paint the sky pink, light and fluffy clouds slowly made their way toward the shoreline. We decided to start with her pink dress and we brought out some soft white material to blow in the wind and create some elegant portraits.


School Portrait Photos for Orange County Schools

Do you remember those awful school portraits you got when you were younger? You walked in, sat down, the flash went off, and off you went, slightly bewildered at how fast it all was. A week later, excitement grew as you saw the portrait proofs being passed out, but only disappointment came when you saw your three photo squares with the cheesy backgrounds, fake smiles, and scared eyes.

But, it doesn’t have to be like that for your school and your child. What if your school’s portraits were something you looked forward to every year with portraits that capture true emotion and spirit of your child?  With a simple dark background that allows your child’s face to shine, and laughter, smiles, and a twinkle in their eyes the kids can have fun, and you can have a great memory captured.

Why School Photography is Important to Schools

A child’s school portrait is the perfect opportunity to shine a light on how much you value your students and their families by giving them a portrait they will love! Imagine having parents post their student’s photos on social media bragging about how their school (your school!) provides such beautiful portraits. Plus, school portraits can be used as a school fundraiser, and with 60-80% purchasing school portraits, you can have a very successful and stress-free fundraiser!

No Cheese – all Fun and Beauty

As a husband and wife team we work together with every child – getting them to laugh, have fun and enjoy the school photo experience. Parents love the beautiful, genuine moments we capture, and schools love our professionalism. Contact Rachel today to see if your school will be a good fit boutique school photography: 949-427-5171 or use the form on our contact page.
