Newborn photography: an angel look-alike!

It’s Christmas Eve. The late hours are a quiet reminder that Orange County, contrary to the portrayals in various television shows, remains a serene and civil place in which to reside. 5:00am rolls around and it’s Christmas morning. No snow, but there’s a flurry of excitement in the Nettleton household. Contractions are more powerful, intuition to head for the hospital is strong, and motherly instinct seems to guide every action. After an easy drive to the nearby hospital, Elspeth, the mother to be, rests relaxed, occasionally reminiscing fond memories and silly nothings with her own mother and sister. Twelve hours after the first movements, the new baby arrives into the world with simply a quiet cry. It’s a beautiful girl, a redhead, an “Angel look-alike”, muses the midwife.

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