School Portrait Photos for Orange County Schools

Do you remember those awful school portraits you got when you were younger? You walked in, sat down, the flash went off, and off you went, slightly bewildered at how fast it all was. A week later, excitement grew as you saw the portrait proofs being passed out, but only disappointment came when you saw your three photo squares with the cheesy backgrounds, fake smiles, and scared eyes.

But, it doesn’t have to be like that for your school and your child. What if your school’s portraits were something you looked forward to every year with portraits that capture true emotion and spirit of your child?  With a simple dark background that allows your child’s face to shine, and laughter, smiles, and a twinkle in their eyes the kids can have fun, and you can have a great memory captured.

Why School Photography is Important to Schools

A child’s school portrait is the perfect opportunity to shine a light on how much you value your students and their families by giving them a portrait they will love! Imagine having parents post their student’s photos on social media bragging about how their school (your school!) provides such beautiful portraits. Plus, school portraits can be used as a school fundraiser, and with 60-80% purchasing school portraits, you can have a very successful and stress-free fundraiser!

No Cheese – all Fun and Beauty

As a husband and wife team we work together with every child – getting them to laugh, have fun and enjoy the school photo experience. Parents love the beautiful, genuine moments we capture, and schools love our professionalism. Contact Rachel today to see if your school will be a good fit boutique school photography: 949-427-5171 or use the form on our contact page.


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